
Special Public Program

A talk by Stephen Kendrick, author of The Lively Place:  Mount Auburn, America's First Garden Cemetery, and Its Revolutionary and Literary Residents

Sponsored by:
The Watertown Free Public Library
The Historical Society of Watertown

Tuesday, April 12, 2016
7:00 PM
Watertown Savings Bank Meeting Room
Watertown Free Public Library
123 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472

Author Stephen Kendrick will talk about his new book, which celebrates a vital piece of our nation's history.  The Lively Place tells the story of Mount Auburn's founding, its legacy and the many influential Americans interred there, from religious leaders to abolitionists, poets and reformers.

Kendrick is a senior minister at the First and Second Unitarian Universalist Churches in Boston.  He is the author of Holy Clues (Pantheon, 1999), Sarah's Long Walk (Beacon Press, 2004) and Douglass and Lincoln (Walker & Co., 2008).

The Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery will provide books for purchase at this event.

This program is free and open to the public.
For more information, call Joyce at 781-899-7239.