A Mi'Kmaw Woman's Award Winning Legacy
South Parlor, Edmund Fowle House
March 7, 2015 - March 23, 2019
This exhibit features the arts and crafts of Madeline (Joe) Knockwood, a Native American artisan from the Mi'Kmaq Nation on loan from Terrie Drew (great-granddaughter) and her family of Nova Scotia, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Items on display include Mrs. Knockwood's formal regalia, some of her award-winning wooden roses, the hand-made tools of her trade, historical artifacts, photos and information about Mi'Kmaq culture and traditions.
There is a strong connection between Watertown and the Mi'Kmaq. The Treaty of Watertown, a treaty of alliance and friendship, was signed on July 18, 1776, in the Edmund Fowle House by the governors of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay and leaders of the Mi'Kmaq and St. Johns (Maliceet) tribes of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This was the first treaty signed by the newly-formed United States of America with a foreign power.