September Public Program
Abijah White's Orchard House
A slideshow lecture by Marilynne Roach, Historical Society President; David Russo, Chairperson of the Watertown Historical Commission; and Joyce Kelly, Historical Society Collections Manager
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
7:00 PM
Watertown Savings Bank Meeting Room
Watertown Free Public Library
123 Main Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Orchard House, a large and graceful Greek Revival home, was constructed circa 1832. It was situated on what was originally a potato farm, but was developed into a cattle farm by one of Watertown's most prominent citizens, Abijah White. The home has rich historical ties to notable people associated with the Revolution, Abolition and Temperance movements, art, literature and education. The home was converted for use as a school for girls in the early 20th century and was purchased in 2006 by the Walker Home and School as part of its Beacon High School.
Orchard House, located at 917 Belmont Street, Watertown, is unoccipied at this time. Despite overwhelming community support, orchard House faces an uncertain future.
This program is free and open to the public.
For more information, call Joyce at 781-899-7239.
Special Event: Ringing of the Bells
Boston Charter Day
Sunday, September 7, 2014
4:30 PM
Church of the Good Shepherd
Redeemer Fellowship Church
Watertown, MA 02472
About Boston Charter Day: Each year, the Partnership of the Historic Bostons commemorates the naming of Boston, Dorchester and Watertown that occurred on September 7, 1630, and holds a series of events to teach the public about the early days of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Participating historic sites and churches include:
• First Church in Boston
• King's Chapel, Boston
• Old South Meeting House, Boston
• Park Street Church, Boston
• First Baptist Church in Dorchester
• First Parish Dorchester
• St. Gregory Parish, Dorchester
• Church of the Good Shepherd, Watertown
• Redeemer Fellowship Church, Watertown
On September 7th at 4:30 PM, bells will ring in Watertown at Church of the Good Shepherd and Redeemer Fellowship Church.
The Historical Society of Watertown is a member of the Partnership of the Historic Bostons and is grateful to all of the participants celebrating this event.